Neal McCormick utilizes traditional printmaking and drawing to explore images and stories from his unconscious mind. The works appear at first like events half remembered that don't seem real; or fragments of complex dreams that come back to you days later, devoid of context. compositions are arranged through a process of drawing and redrawing- adding and subtracting elements until the piece feels pure. Materials push the ideas to their conclusion: the shape and grain of a piece of wood, the marks made by a particular tool, and at times where the materials come from- all these things conspire to change the direction of the work, and Neal honors their influence. These images, upon further analysis of the symbols within them, tell stories that encapsulate, elucidate, and poke fun at Neal’s anxieties and inner turmoil- and at times directly or indirectly reference his memories. By drawing these stories, Neal hopes to transmute his personal struggles into a universal context, while also allowing others to find their own story in the work.